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Thank you for considering supporting Chelmsford Community Radio.
To operate this site, and the station in general, we need to collect certain pieces of information from you. This is your personal data and we are obliged to handle it sensitively and carefully.
We are collecting the information because we have a legitimate interest in doing so - that is the lawful basis we are using. Without your data we cannot process your donations, membership fees, allocate you studio time if you are a presenter, or include you in any important notices or communications, training opportunities, social events and fundraising activities. By completing this form and giving us your data we will only use it for the purposes described above.
We will look after your data safely. We will never pass on your information to any external organisation unless there is a legal reason that compels us to do so. Your data will never be passed to anyone outside of the CCR organisation, and we will be the only people processing your data at any time. You are entitled to request a copy of any data that we hold on you, and you are entitled to ask us to remove the data we hold. You can see a complete copy of the personal data you have submitted to us by visiting your user profile page. You may also see details of any financial transactions by visiting the relevant page in your profile.
If you do ask us to remove it, we will ensure that nothing is kept unless there is a very good reason to do so, such as it is still necessary for us to process the data in line with the continued use of the systems we provide, or we have not fully met our obligations and need to continue to process the data until we do. As soon as we can following those reasons we will remove your data, and in any event remove it within one month of the earliest possible date.
If you leave CCR we will delete all of your data held by any of our systems.
You are able to update any data we hold on you by visiting your profile page. If you wish to continue to support CCR then we would ask that you make every effort to keep your profile up to date and relevant.
Your right to object
You are entitled to object to our processing of your data if it proves intrusive to you or you feel it contravenes your basic rights. If you object, we will stop processing your data immediately, which may mean you can no longer be involved in some of the systems at CCR which rely on processing your data. For example, you may not be able to log in to the software systems, access online bookings of studio time or participate in the online spaces for discussion. We will do our best to answer your concerns if you object, and will work with you to resolve any matters amicably. Where this cannot be done, we may ask you to leave CCR as an organisation.
Donors, Sponsors and Supporters
Thank you for making a donation to support the running of your community radio station. We can only exist because of such donations and truly appreciate what you're doing to support us.
Your data is used to manage your account in our systems. When making a donation we require your name, email and a password. This is so that we can set you up as an account holder, and you can then log in and see what things we are doing. As a donor or sponsor you won't be requiring any other membership or training in the use of our systems, but your log in will allow you to keep track of the payments you have made, and ask questions if you have any.